milo, we love you so much!! we hope you enjoy this simple but special carrd from 2t7h and all of your homies!! remember to take care of yourself and if you ever need anything, we will always be here for you. have a wonderful day!

Yo.. happy MFing BIRTHDAY. Happy birthday to my favorite person on fl (more like... in da whole world) 😿.. bro i honestly don’t know where to begin? I remember on u know what twt 😳 we met during the summer. I scrolled (idk if u remember this) for so long just to find out the date in which we first started talking and it was over snapchat Lol 😵, anyways. I be missing all the times we watched la rosa de Guadalupe and NORAGAMI BRO... we still have to finish that.. 🕺🏻 and that one time i interviewed to be your bodyguard 👨🏻💼(sends my resume) and our beloved thread that never fails to crack me up.. can i make a new one 😳 we need to update! I know i be bullying u but sometimes you just need a lil 🧍🏽💥🔨BONK in ur life. I be missing [redacted twt] ngl 😂 but no i dont <3 anyways. I’m just very happy that we all met and became who we are today.. 2t7h 😆 there’s so much i want to say DAMN!!

Okay but Look at you, 19 mfing years old and in college [ohhhhh 😫 meme] just dropped off milo at college tweet! let’s get serious for a sec. I am so proud of everything you have accomplished so far. You work so hard and i know there’s nothing you can’t do. I admire the way you get through things regardless of the struggle(s) you had to experience first. I wish you stopped bringing yourself down like that though :( trust that everything will be fine and if you ever need help, you know we are always here for you. On god i’d drop everything just to help you because i care u so much!! But you’re doing good rn and i enjoy seeing the progress that you’re making <3 just know that i’m always rooting for you!! you’re very talented and everytime you smile it’s like a lil ray of sunshine 🌞

I just hope there comes a day where everyone gets to see and appreciate the beautiful human that you are. I’d tell you to stop being sad but 🙄 ur still gonna be sad. I wish life wasn’t so poopy for you :/ you deserve the best. You are always VERY GORGEOUS TO ME!
\ 😩
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_/ _
Just know that one day someone will love all the things you hate about yourself and they will want nothing else but to be in your company. I trust someone good will come into ur life.. 🙏 i know it 😼. I got so much love for you because you’ve been there for me through my best n my worse times. And i could never thank you enough for that.

Let’s meet up one day plz!!! i wanna joke around w yall irl 😾. Im concluding my letter bc it’s probably long af already JAJSJSJ. Just know that i love you and if you ever need someone to hear you out, i’ll be here for you. You’ll always be our weenie hot jr.
— javi.

Ezri plz send it

insert that one fuck boy emoji meme here. aha, hey baby, wassup i hear it’s your birthday... lip bite... jokes. my little babie is all grown and it just makes me so soft bc you legit are my babie tbh i have the adoption papers somewhere. i still kinda remember our first meeting? winter time, you were bored, i was bored we got to talking on twt and the rest is pretty much history. you are actually one of the friends online that i have known for years now. i just wanna thank you for sticking around even if im shitty at making appearances these days. and you STAY checking on me sometimes and it just means the world to me? like you mean the world to me ngl. when you’re around there’s this pretty yellow aura and i just feel better. but sometimes you’re sad or stressed n anxious n that’s okay, i want to continue being there for you when you are. don’t be afraid to come to me about anything, i will always get back to you BECAUSE FOR YOU THERE IS ALWAYS TIME, fuck the police. my little weeby babie with the big STEM sexy brain and an even bigger sexier heart, i love you long time frfr and we ARE going to meet and i WILL hold ur mfin hand. thank you so much for being in my life. ❤️✨
— micah.

Adri plz

MILO!!!!!!! happy 19 birthday!!! we’ve been together for two years, it’s crazy how time flies by. today is all about you, i really hope you enjoy it. you deserve everything good in the whole world, i’ve been doing my best to give YOU the best. when we first met, we were jisung and felix. AND WE ARE NOW! seeing how far we’ve come makes me smile. makes me feel warm! you are amazing. one of the best people i’ve met. sometimes i ask myself “how’d i end up with the best person on earth?” and then i remember that you were made for me. Thanks Milo’s Momma and Papa! remember back in 2018 when we rabbited seunglix videos? they are us. TRUST ME! i love you a lot, you mean a lot to me. ima bake you a cake, how does that sound? yeah, i’m gonna do it for you! happiest birthday to you, my love. enjoy your day to the max, i will kiss you!!!!
— cleo.

Umm this person is a lil late.. coming soon doe 😅

ur so hot Ahah....